S.T.E.P.S (Supporting Transitions through Emotional and Practical Support)

S.T.E.P.S is a project funded by the London Borough of Ealing. S.T.E.P.S. stands for Supporting Transitions through Emotional and Practical Support. Our project supports people and communities in Ealing to build resilience and to improve their mental health and well-being through integrated schedule of community information and signposting, education and specialised support.  You will help to support people and communities in Ealing to build resilience and to improve their mental health and wellbeing through information and signposting.

Core volunteering activities within the project

  • Volunteer in a supportive team-based environment
  • Help to shape the project based on your thoughts and opinions
  • Promote mental health and wellbeing in the community
  • Share your lived experience(s) in mental health-related topics with the community
  • Opportunity to gain new skills through various sub-roles

Eligibility criteria

  • The role does not require any prior professional skills
  • Be an Ealing resident
  • Have lived experience(s) in mental health

Services offered in: Ealing


Ealing – 4th Floor, 84 Uxbridge Road, W13 8RA